Do you often find yourself checking your Facebook account while working on something else?
It has happened to all of us. During a time when we know we should be doing something else, we find a reason to log in to Facebook. We may convince ourselves we'll stay for "just a few minutes", but instead we stay for longer. Minutes turn to hours and soon, half your day has gone by with little to show for it.
Does this sound familiar to you?
The moment Facebook came into being, the word "distraction" was raised to an entirely new level. It provided us with a means of diversion unparalleled by any other.
The combination of social connections, pursuing personal interests, and a multitude of games draws us into an elusive community that sucks not only our time and attention, but also detracts from genuine human interaction.
Have you ever asked yourself how much more you could accomplish if you were to maintain a healthier relationship with facebook?
Facebook Addiction may not have its place yet in medical books, but that does not make it any less real, or any less dangerous. I should know. I used to spend aimless hours on Facebook before I decided that enough was enough and started to have a healthier relationship with the social media giant.
The truth is that you don't need a $250 per hour therapist, nor an extensive support group, to overcome it. All you need are two things: a little bit of self-honesty and the willingness to work towards change using the strategies and step by step ways in this book.
The approach of this book is not to stop you from using Facebook, but rather to help you develop more healthy and constructive ways to connect socially through Facebook. When used appropriately, Facebook is fun and healthy and can enrich your life.
This eBook is also not meant to be an exhaustive treatise on Facebook Addiction. If you're looking for a more scholarly discussion on the subject, you've come to the wrong place. What this book will provide you with is straightforward, relatively simple, and effective cure to the problem.
After reading this book you will be able to divert your Facebook cravings to a more productive and meaningful use. More importantly, you will know the exact steps you need to take to develop and maintain a healthier relationship with Facebook
This book will also help you:
- assess the seriousness of your Facebook addiction
- understand exactly why you're (choosing to be) addicted to Facebook
- know what a healthy relationship with Facebook looks like
- identify your problematic facebook usage patterns
- learn how to monitor your addiction so you don't fall back to your old behavior!
Many of us have fallen prey to the endless time-sucking Facebook abyss, but at the end of this guide, with your perseverance and cooperation, we will ultimately emerge victorious.
This book can be the beginning of a new relationship with Facebook - a relationship that maintains balance and ensures a more productive life!

Tal's Cure Facebook Addiction methodology is holistic and solid. In one week after reading, I'm already becoming much more efficient with my approach to facebook and using the lessons from this book to remove other negative habits in my life too.
Chris Badgett

Hi, my name is Tal Gur, founder of and the author of this eBook.
Looking at my life, I have come to realize that my life is not just one linear continuous journey but more as a recollection of different journeys and experiences.
Ever since I remember myself I was intrigued with the endless possibilities of self-expression. I simply see life as a playground to express our deepest desires and experiment with the perceived limits of the physical world.
From a young age, I found myself constantly seeking new challenges, overextending myself in all aspects of life, ultimately resulting in very happy and fulfilling journeys.
Here are a few:
1. I created financial freedom for myself.2. I completed an Ironman Triathlon in New Zealand.
3. I made an 18 months round-the-world trip.
4. I built a house in Peru for a local family.
5. I tried a little 10 days Vipassana meditation in India.
6. I met my wife to be while traveling
7. I partied for 60 nights in a row while living in Australia.
We have an incredible chance to create beautiful things on this planet, a real opportunity to live life to the fullest in a world full of potential and wonder, but it can only happen if we push beyond the comfort zone, face our fears and take the risks involved in pursing what we truly want.
Go ahead. Design your dream year and turn it into reality.
Enjoy the journey
Tal, Founder

"Ah Facebook. I love it and hate it but more the later lately. I have to find my balance but it's so hard to discover the lines between business and pleasure since I have private Facebook groups for my juicing and exit corporate programs as well as my Prolific Living fan page. That's why I wanted to read Tal Gur's book and it proved to be a great resource if only to bring the issue of addiction to the surface for me. Denial is what we do best especially with our online world because we love it so much but we don't realize how much we are sacrificing in the other areas of our lives in order to accommodate this hidden addiction. Tal's book talks about understanding your addiction and then when you have realized what a huge problem it is, he gives you small manageable steps to pull yourself gently away from the sea of Facebook and into the shoreline where life can find a sensible balance again. Highly recommend it."