Going for it regardless of outcome

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my journey, it’s that big dreams may require big sacrifices. They often require us to put all the chips on the table, so to speak. After my snakebite experience, I had a day of reflection when I got to think about some of my future dreams. In a […]

The most important thing we can do in our lifetime

“The privilege of a lifetime is being who YOU are.” When I first heard this simple quote by Joseph Campbell, it made so much sense to me. ​​​​​​​ In fact, I’d go on to say that it’s THE most important thing we can do in our lifetime. But what does it exactly mean to “BE […]

Alignment First. Action Second.

Often, what seems like our worst experience is what puts us in alignment with our heart’s path. We all have a built-in guidance system. Our gut feelings indicate whether something is in alignment with our true being or not. Such was the case when, despite my inner gut guidance, I moved to a small town […]

The only map you ever need

Close to a decade ago, I quit a well-paying corporate job in Australia, sold almost everything I owned, and left on a one-way ticket to Nepal. What would make someone leave their known, comfortable life and set out on a new and uncertain journey? The answer is, of course, different for each individual. For me, […]

Read The Art of Fully Living

There's no going back-once you embark on the journey you're meant to live, it's impossible to settle for anything less than your dreams.

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This book just may change your life

One Year to Freedom is more than a personal development book. It's a roadmap for living life on your own terms and it just might change your life.

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Learn a better and smarter approach to setting and achieving goals. It's not just about what you want to achieve, but who you must become in the process.

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